Upgrading gnome

Adam Weinberger adamw at magnesium.net
Sun May 15 10:11:57 PDT 2005

Gordon Gilbert wrote:
> On Sun, 15 May 2005, Erich Dollansky wrote:
>> Date: Sun, 15 May 2005 23:02:19 +0800
>> From: Erich Dollansky <oceanare at pacific.net.sg>
>> To: Gordon Gilbert <gord at angel.eicat.ca>
>> Cc: gnome at FreeBSD.org
>> Subject: Re: Upgrading gnome
>> Hi,
>> Gordon Gilbert wrote:
>>> On Sun, 15 May 2005, Erich Dollansky wrote:
>>>> Date: Sun, 15 May 2005 20:34:46 +0800
>>>> From: Erich Dollansky <oceanare at pacific.net.sg>
>>>> To: Gordon Gilbert <gord at angel.eicat.ca>
>>>> Cc: gnome at FreeBSD.org
>>>> Subject: Re: Upgrading gnome
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Gordon Gilbert wrote:
>>>>> (eval):5: [BUG] Segmentation fault
>>>>> ruby 1.8.2 (2004-12-25) [i386-freebsd5]
>>>>> Abort trap (core dumped)
>>>> This looks like a message I got two days ago.
>>>> What version of FreeBSD are you running?
>>>>> I had noticed the same thing happening when I was trying to 
>>>>> portupgrade other things.  How do I a) work around this or b) fix 
>>>>> this?  Other 
>>>> Yes, this lookes to me like a problem with Ruby. But it was cause by 
>>>> something else, at least at my machine.
>>>> Erich
>>> Thanks for replying.  My version of FreeBSD is 5.3.  I too was 
>>> thinking that the problem is with Ruby.  Does this mean I should 
>>> remove those three pkgs?  If so, how?  "pkg_delete"? or some other way?
>> I have had this problem after an failed upgrade to 5.4. I have had to 
>> rebuild both the kernel and the world and the problem disappeared.
>> Removing the package and reinstalling did not help in my case.
>> You might wait until somebody else has a better option for you.
>> Erich
> Yeah, well, as my son says: "Parents, DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME 
> UNSUPERVISED!!"  So I will pass this message on to him.
> But if anyone else has any ideas (I tried removing ruby, and it wouldn't 
> let me), please let me know.
> Thanx,
> Blessings,
> Rev. Gordon Gilbert+

# pkg_delete ruby- ruby16-shim-ruby18-1.8.1.p3
# portupgrade -rf ruby\*

The ruby16 stuff is outdated, and should be removed. The problem is 
likely that the bdb module thinks it is supposed to be working with a 
different version of ruby. Forcing a reinstall of the ruby stuff should 
fix that.

# Adam

Adam Weinberger
adamw at magnesium.net || adamw at FreeBSD.org
adamw at vectors.cx    ||   adamw at gnome.org

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