Upgrading gnome

Gordon Gilbert gord at angel.eicat.ca
Sun May 15 04:49:13 PDT 2005


I wrote in a panic yesterday, and got some excellent advice from Adam 
Weinberger regarding Abiword.  I am still trying to work towards and 
Abiword install, but it appears considerable upgrading is needed.

I ran the gnome-upgrade script, and it failed (as seems to be expected). 
So per its instructions, I ran "pkgdb -F", and it also failed, with the 
following output:

[2:14:314]root at angel:/usr/home/gord> pkgdb -F
--->  Checking the package registry database
[Updating the pkgdb <format:bdb1_btree> in /var/db/pkg ... Failed 
`Inappropriate file type or format'; rebuild needed] [Rebuilding the pkgdb 
<format:bdb1_btree> in /var/db/pkg ... - 446 packages found (-0 +446) 
.ruby18 in free(): warning: chunk is already free
.ruby18 in free(): warning: page is already free
ruby18 in free(): warning: chunk is already free
ruby18 in free(): warning: page is already free

followed by (literally) several thousand lines exactly like the last pair 
above.  At the bottom end of which was the following:

ruby18 in free(): warning: page is already free
ruby18 in free(): warning: chunk is already free
ruby18 in free(): warning: page is already free
(eval):5: [BUG] Segmentation fault
ruby 1.8.2 (2004-12-25) [i386-freebsd5]

Abort trap (core dumped)
[2:15:315]root at angel:/usr/home/gord> pkg_info | grep ruby
ruby- An object-oriented interpreted scripting language
ruby-1.8.2_3        An object-oriented interpreted scripting language
ruby16-shim-ruby18-1.8.1.p3 A set of Ruby modules to provide Ruby 1.8 
ruby18-bdb1-0.2.2   Ruby interface to Berkeley DB revision 1.8x with full 
[2:16:316]root at angel:/usr/home/gord>

I had noticed the same thing happening when I was trying to portupgrade 
other things.  How do I a) work around this or b) fix this?  Other 
suggestions for a smooth upgrade would be most gratefully accepted.  Keep 
in mind I am not a computer whiz -- merely one who prefers FreeBSD to 
Windoze.  I can navigate in directories, but don't know much of the 
geekish stuff.  Please supply full instructions.


Rev. Gordon Gilbert+

 	|                 Angels' Roost Farm                  |
 	|       Rev. Fr. Gordon Gilbert & Susan Gilbert       |
 	|                   705-549-5056                      |
 	|                gord at angel.eicat.ca                  |
 	|                susan at angel.eicat.ca                 |

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