Summary of Adam's GNOME on BSD talk

Joe Marcus Clarke marcus at
Sat May 14 12:40:00 PDT 2005

Adam Weinberger (adamw@) gave a talk entitled, "GNOME on BSD" at BSDCan
2005 yesterday.  The talk started right on the dot at 1400 EDT, and was
attended by approximately seven people (people came and went during the
talk).  The most notable attendee was D'Arcy J.M. Cain who works on the
pkgsrc system for NetBSD.  Hopefully Adam will make the presentation
available in some form soon, so I won't summarize the presentation.

There were a few questions at the end of the presentation.

What is the current state of mono on FreeBSD?  I answered that BSD# will
have a working version of mono 1.1.7 in the tree in about a week or so.

When we move to GNOME 3.0, how long will GNOME 2.x be supported?  Adam
responded that GNOME 3.0 is still in the distant future.  We will see
GNOME 2.12 and 2.14 before 3.0 comes out.  Once that happens, it really
depends on how quickly users migrate to the new platform.  If it's
really quick, we will abandon the 2.x desktop quickly as well.  However,
we will still maintain 2.x libraries for a long time to come (as is
being done for GNOME 1.4).

D'Arcy asked what problems NetBSD faces with GNOME minor updates (e.g.
GNOME 2.8 to 2.10).  Adam mentioned the dependency changes that can
occur in a minor update (e.g. port A now depends on port B when it did
not before, or port A now installs files previously installed by port
B).  He also mentioned that NetBSD's ``make update'' would handle most
of the dependency problems, and could probably be
ported to NetBSD to solve any remaining problems.

<opinion>I wish more people would have attended.  I really feel we've
done a tremendous job with GNOME on FreeBSD, and Adam did one hell of a

Joe Marcus Clarke
FreeBSD GNOME Team      ::      marcus at
gnome at
FreeNode / #freebsd-gnome
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