HEADS UP: gdm users with CPU problems

Uwe Laverenz uwe at laverenz.de
Thu May 12 04:49:40 PDT 2005

On Thu, May 12, 2005 at 01:11:46AM -0400, Joe Marcus Clarke wrote:

> If you're having high CPU problems quitting GDM (or doing anything that
> results in gdm-binary taking 100% of the CPU), please add this patch to
> x11/gdm/files, and reinstall gdm.  It does the trick for me, and the

Yes, works for me too. Thank you very much for fixing this annoying

> problem is quite common on BSDs, so I feel this is the right fix (though
> maybe the gdm developers will choose to fix the problem in a different
> way).

I was starting to wonder if one of the gdm developers would take a look
at this at all...


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