how can i install gnome2 form ports without mozilla?

Michael Johnson ahze at
Thu May 5 19:56:58 PDT 2005

zero-B wrote:
> I find these email addresses in /usr/ports/x11/gnome2/Makefile,if you are not Makefile's maintainer,I am sorry to trouble you!
> I installed FreeBSD 5.3 in my computer without X, but for some reason, I need the X to study  some software. but when I install X with ports,it will install mozilla as dependence software, but I'd like opera than mozilla, so please tell me how can I go on make it?
> if you are maintainer, I suggest you that take out mozilla form gnome's dependence,i don't think veryone like mozilla.

Don't use the x11/gnome2 port. Take a look at it and install things 

> Thanks
>                                                                                                   zero-B
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