linuxpluginwrapper and libfreetype

Alexandre Vasconcelos alexandre at
Tue May 3 05:56:40 PDT 2005

Alexander Leidinger wrote:
> Jeremy Messenger <mezz7 at> wrote:

>> Please bug to the right maintainer. We don't maintain Linux emulator
> It feels like someone talks about me...   :-)
>> or  any Linux ports. To me, it looks like you might need to reinstall 
>>  linux_base-8 or you have failed to follow up in the 
>> /usr/ports/UPDATING  before you touch 20050312 (
> The last part is most likely the problem.

Ok, I've learned this /usr/ports/UPDATING lesson..
I have removed the linux_base-rh-7.3 and its dependencies (linux-jkd-14 
and the old linuxflashpluginwrapper), make install on linux_base-8, and 
now I'm rerunning ./, it's on stage 4, let's wait to see 
what happens, I'll post the results.

Alexandre Vasconcelos
Unix Admin

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