CPUTYPE and CFLAGS when building Gnome 2.10.1 on FreeBSD 5.4

Stuart Chalmers s_chalmers70 at yahoo.com
Sun May 1 14:02:31 PDT 2005


I'm going to be rebuilding Gnome 2.10.1 from ports
once FreeBSD 5.4 is released.  It's all too easy to
get too involved with CPUTYPE and CFLAGS in
/etc/make.conf, but I was wondering what the general
opinion/experience on these was when building Gnome.

I'm less concerned with CFLAGS as the 'standard'
advice seems to be that moving from -O to -02 has
little effect, but is changing CPUTYPE likely to make
much difference in performance?  Is there a 'highest'
(i.e. newest) CPUTYPE (say, i686) that I can use
before the Gnome ports start failing to build or
become unstable during runtime.

Doing a search on the mailing lists seemed to suggest
that gstreamer had to have conservative CPUTYPE
setting at some point, but no real mention of other
components of Gnome.

Any pointers appreciated ...


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