Gnome FAQ: How do I open .rar files with file-roller

Joe Marcus Clarke marcus at
Sun May 1 12:53:30 PDT 2005

On Sun, 2005-05-01 at 15:35 -0400, Tom McLaughlin wrote:
> Questions about how to open .rar files in file-roller have come up on
> #FreeBSD-Gnome a few time lately.  Would something like this be useful
> in the FreeBSD Gnome FAQ?

Really?  This is the first I've heard it mentioned.  Admittedly I
haven't been following as closely lately.

> How do I open .rar files with file-roller?
> To open a .rar file with file-roller the rar port (archivers/rar) needs
> to be installed at run time.  The file-roller port does not need to be
> rebuilt after installing rar.  

Note: this is only half the battle.  You also need the archivers/unrar
port installed as well.

> Further, the rar port cannot be included as a run time dependency for
> file-roller due to its license which prevents a FreeBSD package from
> being created.  The unrar port has a less restrictive license and can be
> packaged but it's binary is not used by file-roller for .rar support.

Not only is this correct, but we decided including every possible
archiver as a fileroller RUN_DEPENDS was just ridiculous.  People would
build what they need to handle the files they use.  FreeBSD includes a
number of reasonable defaults.


> Tom
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