[Fwd: Gnome Upgrade]

Dave Johnson davej at wsnet.co.za
Sun Mar 20 12:47:46 PST 2005

This happens during libtool -1.5.10_1 compile

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Gnome Upgrade
Date: 	Sun, 20 Mar 2005 22:41:58 +0200
From: 	Dave Johnson <davej at wsnet.co.za>
To: 	gnome at freebsd.org


When I try and install the gnomevfs2 during the gnome_update I have a 
problems I am getting the follow error.

link:CURRENT '1000' is not a nonnegative interger
link:'1000:0:1000' is not a valid version information

I am running Freebsd 5.3 on a P4 2.8 with 2gb Ram

Any help will be appreciated


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