typo on http://www.freebsd.org/gnome/docs/faq210.html

Jari Kirma kirma at cs.hut.fi
Wed Mar 16 13:27:29 PST 2005

On Wed, 16 Mar 2005, Adam Weinberger wrote:

> Jari Kirma wrote:
>> On the first section ("What is new in GNOME 2.10?"):
>> "FreeBSD support for CPU frequency monitoring, ACPI power management, 
>> wireless single strength monitoring for all supported drivers, and disk 
>> read/write utilization"
>> ... "single" should obviously be "signal".
> No, this is correct. It only monitors one signal strength at a time.

Oh, multiple concurrent values confused users to such an extent that this 
major change was made? ;>

Seriously, I haven't tried Gnome on FreeBSD system equipped with wireless 
NIC. I would seriously enjoy seeing multiple signal strengths across 
several channels, while using the same adapter for data. I have to analyse 
wlan coverage on my faculty at work from time to time (drawing nice 
multiple signal strength maps). My current solution is custom channel 
hopper + signal strength analyzer on iBook, interpolating between 
timestamped waypoints from floor map application and drawing the stuff 
with General Mapping Tools.


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