Chuck Robey
chuckr at
Tue Mar 15 12:08:15 PST 2005
On Tue, 15 Mar 2005, Jeremy Messenger wrote:
> On Tue, 15 Mar 2005 14:45:41 -0500 (EST), Chuck Robey <chuckr at>
> wrote:
> > but not with the gnome_upgrade, that really never seemed to come close.
> > I
> > used the x11/gone2 port, and a long time compiling. A couple of items I
> > notice, at least at the moment:
> >
> > 1) www/mozilla doesn't build
> It won't unless you update freetype2 first. I think, it's fixed in the
> lastest script.
Great. Thanks, I will do that quick as a flash. I have to admit I
forgot, while I was typing, to add in something I know very well:
epi[phasy is based very strongly on mozilla, so anything that breaks
mozilla is likely to break epiphany. I will go update the freetype2 port,
and see, I betch that fixes epiphany.
BTW, notice ever how screwed up freetype is, as a port? Not the FreeBSD
port, I'm talking abou tthey way someone structured the freetype stuff
itself, what a horrible build, the FreeBSD porter had real guts.
> > 2) epiphany doesn't build either. It is missing a couple of -I paths for
> > include files, but when I supply those trivial paths, once it builds,
> > it cores on startup (never even pops the window).
> >
> > I'm going to investigate the mozilla thing. The missing paths in
> > epiphany
> > are -I/usr/X11R6/include/mozilla/{find,path}, but since applying this fix
> > just manages to make a crashing application, I am not going to stick in
> > the fix, at least not until I have a fix that works beyond mere
> > compiling.
> epiphany can be build in the multi-tinderbox and in my desktop, so you
> must have done something funny.
> Cheers,
> Mezz
> > Unless someone else has a REAL fix?
> >
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Chuck Robey | Interests include C & Java programming, FreeBSD,
> > chuckr at | electronics, communications, and SF/Fantasy.
> >
> > New Year's Resolution: I will not sphroxify gullible people into
> > looking up
> > fictitious words in the dictionary (on the wall at my old fraternity,
> > Signa Phi Nothing).
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Chuck Robey | Interests include C & Java programming, FreeBSD,
chuckr at | electronics, communications, and SF/Fantasy.
New Year's Resolution: I will not sphroxify gullible people into looking up
fictitious words in the dictionary (on the wall at my old fraternity,
Signa Phi Nothing).
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