2.10 failed dependency
Joe Marcus Clarke
marcus at marcuscom.com
Sun Mar 13 18:33:33 PST 2005
On Sun, 2005-03-13 at 21:30 -0500, Chuck Robey wrote:
> doing gnome_upgrade (for the millionth time, Chuck, it's a underbar, not a
> dash, dang it!) I got this error:
> ---> Skipping 'x11/gnome2' (gnome2-2.8.3_1) because a requisite package
> 'nautilus-media-0.8.1_1' (multimedia/nautilus-media) failed (specify -k to
> force)
> * lang/python (python-2.4)
> * misc/gnomehier (gnomehier-2.0_5)
> ! multimedia/nautilus-media (nautilus-media-0.8.1_1) (invalid
> package name)
> * x11/gnome2 (gnome2-2.8.3_1)
> Trouble is, my cvs tells me there ain't no such thing as a
> multimedia/nautilus-media, not even anything close. The directory is
> there, it's empty save for the CVS subdir, which looks itself fine
> (although it's fatally empty).
> Anyone got any hints on this one?
gnome_upgrade.sh mentions this port by name before it begins the
upgrade. Nautilus-media is gone in GNOME 2.10. You can either remove
it manually, or let pkgdb -Ff do it for you.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Chuck Robey | Interests include C & Java programming, FreeBSD,
> chuckr at chuckr.org | electronics, communications, and SF/Fantasy.
> New Year's Resolution: I will not sphroxify gullible people into looking up
> fictitious words in the dictionary (on the wall at my old fraternity,
> Signa Phi Nothing).
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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