Recovering from borked upgrade

Your Name bg271828 at
Sun Mar 13 15:35:55 PST 2005

Really, i thought i read the Updating doc thoroughly
but i guess i missed something.

i just tried to upgrade to 2.10, and after the usual
minor problems that i fixed, things ended successfully
much more quickly than usual. Then i realized that,
unlike earlier times, i was supposed to use "restart"
after the problems.

So the 60 packages that it deleted at the start stayed
deleted. Including important things like Gaim and

i portinstalled gdm and then metacity before realizing
i should just do gnome2. Thats running and probably
will be for a while. Will this work or should i do
something else to recover? i guess i can do the other
packages like Gaim and firefox by hand, but i want the
rest of it to work right, like booting into
gdm/metacity/eterm like usual.

Thanks--i do think the Updating doc should stress more
clearly the need to use "restart'.


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