upgrade problem

Curt Lewis clewis at mirapoint.com
Fri Mar 11 18:05:11 PST 2005

I've been running an older version of gnome (2.0, 2.1? not really sure) 
for about 8 months.  I tried to install multi-gnome-terminal a couple 
weeks ago and it depended on some stuff that I had to upgrade.  I 
should have known better, but I upgraded those ports.

Power got cut off and I can no longer log into gnome.  I resolved some 
problems with ruby18, but know I'm running into problems with some x11 
font stuff.  I've updated and rebuilt the ports and pkgdbs, done make 
cleans, make uninstalls and it refuses to build.

It looks like there's some bum Makefiles buried in the fontScaling 
package for x11 because this is where it bombs:

===>  Installing for pango-1.6.0

===>   pango-1.6.0 depends on file: 
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/luximb.ttf - not found

===>    Verifying install for /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/luximb.ttf 
in /usr/ports/x11-fonts/XFree86-4-fontScalable

===>  Vulnerability check disabled

===>  Extracting for XFree86-fontScalable-4.4.0_1

=> Checksum OK for xc/XFree86-4.4.0-src-4.tgz.

=> Checksum OK for xc/XFree86-4.4.0-src-5.tgz.

===>  Patching for XFree86-fontScalable-4.4.0_1

===>  Applying FreeBSD patches for XFree86-fontScalable-4.4.0_1

===>   XFree86-fontScalable-4.4.0_1 depends on executable: ucs2any - 

===>   XFree86-fontScalable-4.4.0_1 depends on executable: imake - found

===>   XFree86-fontScalable-4.4.0_1 depends on shared library: X11.6 - 

===>  Configuring for XFree86-fontScalable-4.4.0_1

(cd /usr/ports/x11-fonts/XFree86-4-fontScalable/work/xc/fonts/encodings 
&&  imake -DUseInstalled -DProjectRoot=/usr/X11R6 
-I/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/config  -DTOPDIR=../../.. -DCURDIR=.;  make 
Makefiles ;  make includes ;  make depend)

making Makefiles in large...

including in ./large...

depending in ./large...

(cd /usr/ports/x11-fonts/XFree86-4-fontScalable/work/xc/fonts &&  imake 
-DUseInstalled -DProjectRoot=/usr/X11R6 -I/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/config  
-DBuildSpeedoFonts=YES -DBuildType1Fonts=YES -DBuildCIDFonts=YES 
-DBuildTTFonts=YES  -DMakeLocalFontDir=YES  -DFreeBSDBuildXscl=YES  
-DTOPDIR=.. -DCURDIR=.;  make Makefiles ;  make includes ;  make 

making Makefiles in scaled...

making Makefiles in scaled/Speedo...

making Makefiles in scaled/Type1...

"Makefile", line 951: Missing dependency operator

make: fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue

making Makefiles in scaled/CID...

"Makefile", line 939: Missing dependency operator

"Makefile", line 949: Missing dependency operator

make: fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue

making Makefiles in scaled/TTF...

"Makefile", line 947: Missing dependency operator

make: fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue

including in ./scaled...

including in scaled/Speedo...

including in scaled/Type1...

"Makefile", line 951: Missing dependency operator

make: fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue

*** Error code 1

Stop in 

*** Error code 1


C u r t    L e w i s

BOFH Excuse Of The Day:
High altitude condensation from U.S.A.F prototype aircraft has 
contaminated the primary subnet mask. Turn off your computer for 9 days 
to avoid damaging it.

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