WANTED: Splashscreens and screenshots

Radek Kozlowski radek at raadradd.com
Tue Mar 8 10:08:38 PST 2005

On Tue, Mar 08, 2005 at 03:41:41AM -0500, Joe Marcus Clarke wrote:
> As many (if not all) of the GNOME 2.9 testers have noticed, we're almost
> done porting the 2.10 versions of all the GNOME components.  GNOME 2.10
> is still scheduled to be released on Wednesday, and it looks like it
> will make it.
> That said, we are in desperate need of some screenshots of cool GNOME
> 2.9/2.10 desktops showing off the new 2.10 features.  Please submit them
> So far, we've only had one splashscreen submission for our contest
> (okay, two).  If there are no other entries, then the voting will
> commence.

Another late entry by me, based on the idea of the FreeBSD GNOME 2.8
splash screen:



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