Specifying MTREE_FILE in couple of freebsd-gnome maintained ports

Dejan Lesjak dejan.lesjak at ijs.si
Fri Mar 4 07:50:49 GMT 2005

Quite some time ago, the following snippets were added to several 
freebsd-gnome maintained ports to use proper mtree file:

.if ${X_WINDOW_SYSTEM:L} == xfree86-3
MTREE_FILE=     /etc/mtree/BSD.x11.dist
MTREE_FILE=     /etc/mtree/BSD.x11-4.dist

As it seems, this had to be done because these ports couldn't use USE_X_PREFIX 
(as it implies X libraries dependency), but do use PREFIX = ${X11BASE}.
In rev. 1.503 of bsd.port.mk the decide-what-mtree-file-to-use logic was 
modified to check for ${PREFIX} == ${X11BASE} case, which seems to make this 
snippet in ports obsolete.
And now to the reason I'm nagging about this: the X.Org update includes some 
cleanups to mtree. To work around the plist errors that would result by it a 
temporary mtree file would be added to ports and bsd.port.mk modified to take 
that one instead of BSD.x11-4.dist. These ports would either have to be 
modified, but as it seems this MTREE_FILE specification is now redundant, it 
can rather be removed alltogether.
The ports that have this:


So, what do you guys think?
I can send you a patch for this if you need one.


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