Firefox & Migrating stored passwords

Jeremy Prior jez at
Thu Jan 6 07:50:58 PST 2005

I've just built and installed Firefox-1.0_7,1 on my FreeBSD-5.3 (STABLE)
system: seems to work great - Good work!

The only main issue that I have with it is the fact that when I imported
my Mozilla settings, the cookies and bookmarks transferred fine, but
none of the stored passwords did.  (Oddly enough, the list of sites that
shouldn't be saved _did_ transfer).

Is this a known issue?  I've got ~50 saved passwords and I wouldn't want
to have to migrate these by hand...

      Jeremy Prior  <jez at>
 Netcraft Ltd, Treenwood Ho, Rowden La, Bradford-on-Avon, BA15 2AZ. UK
       Tel: +44-1225-867111 (switchboard)  Fax: +44-8700-517767

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