mozilla vs. nspr

Joe Marcus Clarke marcus at
Sat Jan 1 21:34:29 GMT 2005

On Sat, 2005-01-01 at 05:33 -0500, Mikhail Teterin wrote:
> Hello,
> Why do www/mozilla and www/mozilla-devel build and install its own
> versions of libnspr4 into ${PREFIX}/lib/mozilla(-devel)?

Because they need to.  The version of nspr that comes with Mozilla is
newer than devel/nspr.

> The ports require and the resulting mozilla-bin executables use the
> ${PREFIX}/lib/

Yep, because if they tried to use the port version, they would get
undefined symbol errors.

> Can this be fixed -- to stop the "DLL hell"? Thanks!

There's nothing broken.  Both versions are unfortunate necessities.


> 	-mi 
> P.S. Happy New Year! :-)
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