gnome-pilot2 crashes

Joe Marcus Clarke marcus at
Sat Feb 12 23:35:42 PST 2005

On Sun, 2005-02-13 at 00:26 +0100, Roland van Laar wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to sync my palm handheld, visor, with evolution;
> am running 5.3-RELEASE-P5. With ports of this week.
> uvisor kernel module is loaded during the boot process,
> and the pda comes up as ucom0. ucom0 comes up as crw-rw---- 1 uucp
> dialer, I am a member of the group dialer.
> I installed through ports pilot-link, gnomepilot2 and
> gnomepilot-conduits2. Using the following command I can connect to the
> pda and succesfully make a backup:
> $pilot-xfer -p /dev/ucom0 -b pilot/
> When I start evolution-> tools -> Pilot settings for the first time I
> get the configure section. when I get to "Pilot Identification" and
> press forward I get """The Application "gpilotd" has quit
> unexpectedly""". 
> When I start gpilotd-control-applet with a terminal I get this message
> (see bottom e-mail)
> I recieve the same error on two FreeBSD systems, both with a recent
> updated ports. I also googled and found nothing about how to resolve
> this crashing problem.

I don't have a Palm with which to test.  Please provide a full backtrace
with debugging symbols for this crash?


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