FreeBSD Port: mozilla-1.7.12_4,2

Jeremy Jones jeremy.jones at
Mon Dec 5 11:29:21 PST 2005

I have a small issue here with the mozilla port.  When I try to install
it I'm getting the error:

===>  mozilla-1.7.12_4,2 is marked as broken: Calendar requires Composer
and Mailnews support..

I tried to install it yesterday but I think I fat fingered one of the
options and now this is what I get as soon as I hit enter for a make
install.  I've tried to make clean and make distclean, dumping the
/usr/ports/distfiles dir and running cvsup again to pull a new version
down but I cannot get past this error.

Thank you,

Jeremy T Jones
Selective Site Consultants, Inc.
8500 West 110th Street
Suite 300
Overland Park, Kansas 66210
Office: 913-438-7700
Fax: 913-438-7777
Email: jeremy.jones at

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