Dumb firefox and SVG question

Jeremy Messenger mezz7 at cox.net
Sat Dec 3 11:49:11 PST 2005

On Sat, 03 Dec 2005 00:21:44 -0600, Bruce A. Mah <bmah at freebsd.org> wrote:

> I wrote:
>> If memory serves me right, Jeremy Messenger wrote:
>>> ======================================
>>> .include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
>>> .if ${OSVERSION} >= 504101
>>> MOZ_OPTIONS+=	--enable-svg --enable-svg-renderer=cairo
>>> .endif
>>> .include "${.CURDIR}/../mozilla/Makefile.common"
>>> [...]
>>> .include <bsd.port.post.mk>
>>> ======================================
>>> I haven't test it yet, but that's my first guess. I might test it
>>> tomorrow, unless someone beat me.
>> Thanks, I'll give this a try.  I'm blessed with a laptop that can build
>> this thing reasonably quickly...if it's done before I have to go to bed,
>> I'll report results shortly (otherwise, tomorrow morning).

What kind of laptop do you have? Are you using ccache? Just wondering and  
insteresting for laptop that can do "reasonably quickly" to build. ;-)

> That did it!  It works just fine now.
> Thanks!

np and thanks for test. ahze has committed a same fix today w/out bump.


> Bruce.

mezz7 at cox.net  -  mezz at FreeBSD.org
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