fails on x11-wm/metacity build

Ion-Mihai Tetcu itetcu at
Thu Apr 28 07:46:28 PDT 2005

On Thu, 28 Apr 2005 14:01:35 +0400
é×ÁÎ ÷. âÏÒÏÄÉÎ <ivan at> wrote:

> Hello there!
> I try to update gnome 2.8.3_1 to 2.10.1.
> I    use    ''    script    (as   it   described   at
> This script fails when it builds the port x11-wm/metacity
> All  other  ports  installed  on my FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE are up-to-date
> with   ports   collection   (I   made  cvsup  all  ports  before  run
> Is there a conclusion to my problem? Let me know, please...

Posting the actual error would of course be of some help for the rest of
us the non-telepathic people.

But yes, there is something wrong with that port, it's failing on one of
my machines also (the newest version long after my gnome-upgrade);
haven't time to investigate it yet.

Unregistered ;) FreeBSD "user"

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