Gnome Upgrade on FreeBSD 5.3

Bob Perry rperry4 at
Sat Apr 9 14:40:35 PDT 2005

On (04/03/05 15:44), Jeremy Messenger wrote:
> To: "Bob Perry" <rperry4 at>
> Cc: freebsd-gnome at
> Subject: Re: Gnome Upgrade on FreeBSD 5.3
> From: "Jeremy Messenger" <mezz7 at>
> Date: Sun, 03 Apr 2005 15:44:19 -0500
> User-Agent: Opera M2/7.54 (Linux, build 955)
> On Sun, 3 Apr 2005 16:41:49 -0400, Bob Perry <rperry4 at> wrote:
> >I've just loaded FreeBSD 5.3 onto a multiple OS box and
> >intend to load the GNOME desktop once I decided what
> >components I need (assuming that is possible).
> >
> >I CVSup'd my system and found that over 75% of the
> >packages I installed needed upgrade including;
> >gnome-icon-theme-1.2.3, gnomehier-1.0_19,
> >gnomekeyring-02.1_1, gnomemimedata-2.4.1_2, and
> >gnomevfs2-2.6.2_1.  Can I use portupgrade to upgrade
> >these ports or is a special script necessary as was
> >required with the recent GNOME desktop upgrades?
> You must read in the /usr/ports/UPDATING and use the special script (check  

Just finished the update and wanted to thank you for your assistance 
and thank everyone involved with the project.  The errors were 
minimal and easily fixed with the help of the upgrade log.

For the record, I did review the /usr/port/UPDATING prior to posting 
here for help and found nothing relating to the five (5) ports in 

It wasn't until I received your note and performed a second 
search with "gnome" as the keyword, that I found the script necessary.
Was there a recommended procedure for finding out which ports required 
use of the script that I overlooked?

Thanks again.
Bob Perry

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