Gedit failed to lock

Joe Marcus Clarke marcus at
Sat Apr 2 14:43:46 PST 2005

On Sat, 2005-04-02 at 15:40 +0200, Anders Troback wrote:
> Hi all!
> I'm new to the list so bare with me!
> When I'm running gedit over XDMCP I got a:
> WARNING **: Failed to lock: Operation not supported
> After a few seconds gedit starts and works just fine.
> If I run it as root or as a user on the console (XDM on the server), no 
> warning and the program starts instantly.
> I noticed this problem in 2.8 and it still exists in 2.10. Only tried on 
> 5.3-STABLE and 5.4-PRERELEASE.
> Not a big problem but the seconds feels like a decade:-)

Chances are you're running off of an NFS volume.  In which case, both
the NFS server and client must be running rpc.lockd.


> \\anders
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