FreeBSD GNOME Port Installer Interface

Sergey Akifyev asa at
Wed Sep 29 00:40:41 PDT 2004

On Fri, 2004-09-24 at 09:01 -0600, James Earl wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been thinking recently about trying to make a VERY simple GNOME UI
> for installing FreeBSD ports.  I was thinking of something that
> basically interfaced with the existing tools, nothing more.  Just
> something that would be convenient for new users of FreeBSD GNOME to use
> to install ports, who would otherwise have no idea how to type cd
> /usr/ports/.../ ; make install!
> Has anyone been working on a similar app?  I thought I'd try using this
> as something to learn with.

I've developed automatical GNOME workstation build system (scripts for
building GNOME packages, and generating self configuring GNOME CD).
First release was done about month ago. Now all this stuff needs

The command line interface for this is as simple as:
# sh install
	- installs (and builds some) packages
# sh configure all
	- configures many things, which are not done by ports

It is now capable of automatically installing and configuring GNOME
software + OpenOffice + some tools on clean FreeBSD-5.2.1 machine.

I'll inform the list when I translate project docs into English and
check licensing issues (Russian webpage for the project already exists).

Sergey Akifyev <>
JSC Gascom <>
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