Fwd: WIP: /etc/rc.d/xdm Working patch for test.
Jose M Rodriguez
josemi at freebsd.jazztel.es
Mon Sep 27 11:03:26 PDT 2004
Can someone of gnome@ try this
------- Forwarded message -------
From: "Jose M Rodriguez" <josemi at freebsd.jazztel.es>
To: current at freebsd.org
Subject: WIP: /etc/rc.d/xdm Working patch for test.
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2004 18:47:16 +0200
Well, this is the frist working patch for a /etc/rc.d/xdm script.
To workaround de init/xdm race problem, I rename the script to 0xdm, and
is now even closest to the end of rcorder than local.
So, now, this script can:
- launch Xorg/gdm/kdm/xdm from /etc/rc.conf
- launch it from boot without init (/etc/ttys) race problems
- doesn't affect previous /etc/ttys or /usr/X11R6/ets/rc.d/gdm.sh xdm
- xmd start/stop via /erc/rc.d/0xdm start ...
- admit more elaborate launch via /etc/rc.conf.d/xdm
- aply patch:
# cd /usr/src && patch -p0 < path-xdm4
+ check no xdm and 0xdm
+ update /etc/rc.d
- xdm launch
# echo 'xdm_enable="YES" >> /etc/rc.conf && /etc/rc.d/0xdm start
- gdm launch
# echo 'xdm_program="/usr/X11R6/bin/gdm" >> /etc/rc.conf && echo
'xdm_enable="YES" >> /etc/rc.conf && /etc/rc.d/0xdm start
- kdm launch
# echo 'xdm_program="/usr/local/bin/kdm" >> /etc/rc.conf && echo
'xdm_enable="YES" >> /etc/rc.conf && /etc/rc.d/0xdm start
- Xorg XDMCP broadcast
# echo 'xdm_program="/usr/X11R6/bin/Xorg" >> /etc/rc.conf && echo
'xdm_enable="YES" >> /etc/rc.conf && /etc/rc.d/0xdm start
Now ready for test.
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