Plans for after FreeBSD-5.3-RELEASE.
Joe Marcus Clarke
marcus at
Wed Sep 22 11:21:48 PDT 2004
Hash: SHA1
Jose M Rodriguez wrote:
| Hi,
| After test FreeBSD-5.3-BETA5 + current ports, I'm very glad with how
| it's worked out.
| But I'm not convince about how X11, gnome and kde works together.
| I've to develop a NetWS / Kiosk for a customer and need to work on this.
GNOME has been adding quite a few lock-down features to aid in these
types of deployments. I would be very interested in knowing how they
work out for you.
| Is anyone interested on that?
I have always thought FreeBSD needed for desktop loving. I would be
interested in helping with any project that makes FreeBSD more
| My TODO List is now by that:
| - Plans for moving/merging X11 config form /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/ to
| /etc/X11/
| + seems to be most Linux/Unix trends
| + easier WS setup.
This is a mistake, IMHO. FreeBSD's model is not to put ports
configuration files in /etc. In fact, the PAM files in /etc/pam.d now
are rumored to me moving out to ${LOCALBASE} and ${X11BASE}.
| - Plans to work and standard FreeBSD way to X11
| + An implementation guide common to x11/gnome/kde (document ->
| article | handbook)
| + FreeBSD specific support for xinit/xdm config (~/.xinitrc ...)
| + rcNG support for x11
| * /etc/rc.d/xdm. operative and valid for gdm/kdm/xdm
| * /etc/rc.d/xfs? we need a font server with libXFT trends?
| * /etc/rc.d/xserver. Xserver init for XDMCP (XTerminal)
| * /etc/rc.d/xinit. Special init via xinit.
I have a patch for rcNG support for gdm that will be going in after the
| - Plans to work on a FreeBSD 'feeling'. Same fonts, ...
| + tweaks to apps-defaults, gnome and kde config.
| + common process of resources. Xresources , Xmodmap, ...
| - Plans to specific support for NetBooting. NetWS, XTerminals, Kiosk
| - Plans to specific support easy thenmeing 'a la FreeBSD'.
This sounds like a good project in and of itself (i.e. FreeBSD Desktop
| Any sugestion on this is welcome.
| --
| josemi
- --
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