Plans for after FreeBSD-5.3-RELEASE.

Francois Tigeot ftigeot at
Wed Sep 22 04:18:45 PDT 2004

On Wed, Sep 22, 2004 at 12:46:35PM +0200, Jose M Rodriguez wrote:
> After test FreeBSD-5.3-BETA5 + current ports, I'm very glad with how it's  
> worked out.
> But I'm not convince about how X11, gnome and kde works together.
> I've to develop a NetWS / Kiosk for a customer and need to work on this.
> Is anyone interested on that?
> My TODO List is now by that:


>  - Plans to specific support for NetBooting. NetWS, XTerminals, Kiosk

You should be interested in this little project then:

It is a FreeBSD-based system you can netboot and use as a X-terminal.

It is still quite VIA-Epia centric but runs on more hardware nowadays,
contrary to what the documentation says.
I just haven't had enough time to rewrite it properly...

Francois Tigeot

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