Announcement: BSD# Project on Novell Forge

Miguel Mendez flynn at
Mon Sep 20 12:34:24 PDT 2004

On Thu, 16 Sep 2004 00:25:38 -0400
Tom McLaughlin <tmclaugh at> wrote:


> Excellent!  Please let me know if anything you do isn't working right
> so I can take a look and see what I can do.  Having applications that
> actually use Mono should find problems quickly.  :)

Short lived apps usually work fine, e.g. my not-yet-finished port of
gtk-send-pr to C# and Gtk# works fine. But sometimes mono enters endless
loops , so I take there are still threading issues and/or GC issues.
I'll run the same tests on a Linux box and compare. Could very well be a
mono issue, i.e. not FreeBSD specific.

And, of course, can't wait for 1.2 to come out when we'll finally have a
debugger (or so Miguel de Icaza said in his presentation at UOC) and a
stable monodevelop.

	Miguel Mendez <flynn at>
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