Got Evolution crashes?

Vladimir Grebenschikov vova at
Sun Sep 19 12:45:23 PDT 2004

В Sun, 19/09/2004 в 14:02 -0400, Joe Marcus Clarke пишет:


> > > Anyone experiencing a crash in Evolution 2.0.0 (Evo 2.0.0 ONLY), please
> > > apply the attached patch, and rebuild, and let me know if the crashes go
> > > away.
> > 
> > Before patch it crashes only on single big mailbox.
> > After patch it crashed on every start not depending on mailboxes.
> Sorry, I forgot to init the pthread_attr_t.  Here is a new patch.

Yes, It helps, now evolution does not crash on my crazy-big mailbox !
Thank you.

> Joe

Vladimir B. Grebenchikov
vova at

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