Issue with gnomesystemtools-1.0.0

Joe Marcus Clarke marcus at
Sat Sep 18 12:59:48 PDT 2004

On Sat, 2004-09-18 at 15:55, David Vastine wrote:
> Hey all,
>  I just installed 2.8 from marcuscom and everthing seems to be running
> smoothly except for one thing.  Checking out the gnomesystemtools, if I
> run the services app (services-admin) and enter the root password when
> it asks for it, I can no longer open any new windows.  They all fail
> with can't open display.  This doesn't happen with the other apps that
> ask for the root password.  Is it just me? Or can someone confirm?

No, it's not just you.  I'll look into it.


> Thanks.
> David
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