Splash screen votes

Joe Marcus Clarke marcus at FreeBSD.org
Fri Sep 17 17:46:31 PDT 2004

I've been trying to capture the votes for the GNOME 2.8 splash screen,
and here is our standings thus far:

1. http://www.marcuscom.com/gnome28/gnome28-splash-freebsd-grey.png
2. http://www.marcuscom.com/gnome28/gnome28-splash-freebsd-red.png
3. http://spekt.net/~raadradd/gnome/fbsd-gnome28-radek.png
4. Current splash screen

I've tried to remain neutral in all of this, but if I had to weigh in, I
would vote for http://spekt.net/~raadradd/gnome/fbsd-gnome28-radek.png. 
However, in this case, one vote isn't enough to move it up to the #2
position.  So unless there are anymore votes, it looks like the grey
splash will win out.


Joe Marcus Clarke
FreeBSD GNOME Team	::	gnome at FreeBSD.org
FreeNode / #freebsd-gnome
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