multimedia/gstreamer-plugins request

Adam Weinberger adamw at
Thu Sep 9 13:41:29 PDT 2004

>> (09.09.2004 @ 1619 PST): Michael Johnson said, in 1.7K: <<
> Hi,
>   Gstreamer-plugins seems to keep getting bigger and bigger and more 
> and more
> ports depend upon gstreamer-plugins. The problem with gstreamer-plugins 
> is that it
> supports so much and is not built with many optional dependancies by 
> default.
> A good example of a big problem is audio/rhythmbox, if you decide to 
> build it with
> gstreamer-plugins and don't have mad and/or vorbis support in 
> gstreamer-plugins you have to rebuild
> and reinstall gstreamer-plugins.

Are there any other ports that require gst-plugins to be built with
specific dependencies? None others come to mind.

> My idea is splitting gstreamer-plugins in to smaller master/slave 
> ports, similar to what has happened
> to all the php ports did last month. We have 
> USE_GNOME=gstreamer-plugins right now which works
> but it is too broad and won't let you tell gstreamer "hey i need the 
> XXX plugin for this program to work!"
> We need something that we can say we need XXX to run this. For exaple 
> USE_MULTIMEDIA=gstreamer-faad
> would use the faad gstreamer plugin.

I don't see how this would help. Gst-plugins isn't an incremental build.
If you want to compile in new support, you need to rebuild the whole

> In the long-term I think it would be smart to make USE_MULTIMEDIA (or 
> what ever we call it) support
> more than just gstreamer-plugins because other multimedia ports such as 
> audio/speex have about
> 15~ ports than depend on it so we could also do USE_MULTIMEDIA=speex, 
> this would save time and
> effort in upgrading many ports. Or better yet, USE_MULTIMEDIA=xmms ....

Honestly, I'd rather see energy put into reducing the number of macros
that we have, not increasing it. The frameworks behind USE_GNOME and
USE_SDL and the like are not trivial, and IMO shouldn't be implemented
unless, as is the case for those two examples, there are literally
hundreds of ports that will be greatly simplified by it.

If you believe that your proposal would simplify things to such an
extent, I'd like a bit more info about which ports would be simplified
by it, and what its benefit would be to the end user.

# Adam

Adam Weinberger
adamw at || adamw at
adamw at    ||   adamw at

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