WANTED: GNOME 2.7 screenshots

Ilya Khamushkin illya at kremenchug.net
Wed Sep 8 10:28:02 PDT 2004

В ср, 08/09/2004 в 12:05 -0400, Adam Weinberger пишет:
> The evolution one is really cool, and I'll put it on the screenshots
> page right away. The thing is, the other screenshots don't really show
> off the new features of GNOME 2.7/8 itself, per se, unless there's stuff
> that I'm not noticing because I woke up 3 minutes ago.

Ok, that's my next evolution screehshot (with calendar). 

Ilya Khamushkin
ISP S-NET Ltd., Senior System Administrator

ICQ: 2211123
IRC: iluXa at WeNet

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