sypheed-claws SIGSEGV on 5.3-B3

Ion-Mihai Tetcu itetcu at
Tue Sep 7 15:23:30 PDT 2004


So far this is the only problem I have on 5.3-BETA3 :) 
(with malloc aj and debug.witness_watch=0, and about the rest wooow what
a difference it makes)

I have a processing rule on a news folder:
from matchcase "some_addr" & new
forward 1 "friend1" forward 1 "friend2"

Exactly the same rule was working before upgrade; I can send mail, I can
send news. I believe I had successfully portupgrade -Rf.

Well, I gets as far as sending to the first receipt, after which it
SIGSEGV and dumps core.

Does the bt bellow ring a bell to someone or should I take this to
sylpheed-claws developers ?

WARNING!  setkey(3) not present in the system!
(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 1 (LWP 100298)]
0x2846b9c5 in gtk_widget_destroy () from /usr/X11R6/lib/
(gdb) bt
#0  0x2846b9c5 in gtk_widget_destroy () from /usr/X11R6/lib/
#1  0x080b2af9 in filteringprop_free ()
#2  0x080b2d41 in filteringaction_apply_action_list ()
#3  0x080b2e8d in filteringaction_apply_action_list ()
#4  0x080b2ef8 in filter_message_by_msginfo ()
#5  0x080ba4e0 in folder_item_apply_processing ()
#6  0x080b66b4 in folder_item_open ()
#7  0x080bf7ce in folderview_update_item_foreach ()
#8  0x283ed907 in gtk_marshal_NONE__POINTER_INT () from /usr/X11R6/lib/
#9  0x2842c336 in gtk_handlers_run () from /usr/X11R6/lib/
#10 0x2842b34d in gtk_signal_real_emit () from /usr/X11R6/lib/
#11 0x28428715 in gtk_signal_emit () from /usr/X11R6/lib/
#12 0x283a7b4b in gtk_ctree_select () from /usr/X11R6/lib/
#13 0x283a429e in real_unselect_all () from /usr/X11R6/lib/
#14 0x2838495c in gtk_clist_unselect_all () from /usr/X11R6/lib/
#15 0x0815ff4b in gtk_sctree_get_type ()
#16 0x0816040f in gtk_sctree_get_type ()
#17 0x283ed524 in gtk_marshal_BOOL__POINTER () from /usr/X11R6/lib/
#18 0x2842b394 in gtk_signal_real_emit () from /usr/X11R6/lib/
#19 0x28428715 in gtk_signal_emit () from /usr/X11R6/lib/
#20 0x284702e7 in gtk_widget_event () from /usr/X11R6/lib/
#21 0x283ed47a in gtk_propagate_event () from /usr/X11R6/lib/
#22 0x283ec1cf in gtk_main_do_event () from /usr/X11R6/lib/
#23 0x284b8f13 in gdk_event_dispatch () from /usr/X11R6/lib/
#24 0x284eee2e in g_main_dispatch () from /usr/local/lib/
#25 0x284ef4ac in g_main_iterate () from /usr/local/lib/
#26 0x284ef67b in g_main_run () from /usr/local/lib/
#27 0x283ebb37 in gtk_main () from /usr/X11R6/lib/
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
#28 0x080d9e47 in main ()

Unregistered ;) FreeBSD "user"
5.3-BETA3 - try `sysctl debug.witness_watch=0`
and prepare to fly :-)

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