gtk-- fix?

Alexander Nedotsukov bland at
Sun Sep 5 06:33:54 PDT 2004

Matthew George wrote:

>On Mon, 30 Aug 2004, Matthew George wrote:
>>gtk-- won't currently compile on RELENG_5.  does anyone know when this
>>might be able to happen?  I saw a reference to the problem being related
>>to the gcc import, but there weren't any messages in the thread after
>>that ...
>for the sake of the archive:
>I was able to work around issues with gtk-- and the new compiler under
>RELENG_5 by installing lang/gcc33 and then setting
>CXX=	g++33
>for x11-toolkits/gtk-- and the ports that link against it (e.g. fwbuilder)
FYI. Real fix was commited today.

All the best,

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