motherboard has died, any recommend? nForce2? or else?

Vulpes Velox v.velox at
Fri Sep 3 23:31:59 PDT 2004

On Sat, 04 Sep 2004 01:02:33 -0500
"Jeremy Messenger" <mezz7 at> wrote:

> I think, I have finished with the walk throught in pciconf..
> Current, I  have six 'noneN': Five are Memory controller and one is
> ethernet. The USB  2.0 is already included, so I just add 'device
> ehci' in kernel. I don't  know if your has same USB as mine (8 USB
> ports).

Not sure about yours, but here it works nicely under the vr driver.
> As for the ethernet, nvnet is out of date that doesn't has our ID. I
> went  to Nvidia's website and it has newer nforce driver that has
> our ethernet  support. I have contracted with the nvnet port author
> and he is planning  to update, then let me to test it. The nvnet in
> ports tree is using nforce  driver that is from 2003, btw.

Try the vr driver?  Those are used on some of those boards.

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