Gst-register core dump in hash_print_key

Olivier Saut saut.olivier at
Fri Sep 3 15:37:53 PDT 2004


every time I run gst-register (as user or as root) I get a coredump :
os at banquo% gst-register 

Trying to load global_registry ...
Error loading global_registry
Added path   /usr/X11R6/lib/gstreamer-0.8 to user_registry
Rebuilding user_registry (/home/os/.gstreamer-0.8/registry.xml) ...
Added plugin gstgetbits with 0 features.
Added plugin dvdreadsrc with 1 feature.
Added plugin cdparanoia with 1 feature.
Added plugin gstaf with 1 feature.
Added plugin aasink with 1 feature.
Added plugin a52dec with 1 feature.
Added plugin cdplayer with 1 feature.
zsh: 46934 bus error (core dumped)  gst-register

I have tried to disable cdplayer plugin, but then it coredumps after a52dec.

In gdb, I get the following trace
Program terminated with signal 10, Bus error.
#0  0x29f9883f in ?? ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0x29f9883f in ?? ()
#1  0x00000000 in ?? ()
#2  0x00000000 in ?? ()
#3  0x28051c33 in ?? ()
#214 0x08078500 in ?? ()
#215 0x0807d15c in ?? ()
#216 0xbfbfe918 in ?? ()
#217 0x08048f50 in hash_print_key (key=0x29fdab20 "", value=0x29fb8a64 
     at gst-run.c:114
Previous frame inner to this frame (corrupt stack?)

I run 5.3-BETA2 FreeBSD 5.3-BETA2 #88: Mon Aug 30 14:57:31 CEST 2004 
root at banquo:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/banquo  i386

Ports tree freshly cvsupped (I had the same coredump with 
gstreamer-plugin 0.8.3) :
gstreamer-0.8.5                 gstreamer-plugins-0.8.4

In make.conf I have
CFLAGS=    -O -g -pipe

As I have a Nvidia card, libmap.conf maps libpthread to libc_r      

It is a bit annoying as I can no longer use totem or rhythmbox.
Is there anything I can try to solve this problem.

Thanks a lot,

			- Olivier

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