Frequent errors w/ Gaim (ICQ)

Jakob Breivik Grimstveit jakob at
Thu Sep 2 23:24:44 PDT 2004

Jakob Breivik Grimstveit wrote:

> Simon Barner wrote:
>> nickname: (There was an error receiving this message)
>> gaim-0.82.1
>> Gnome 2.6 (build from ports ~ 2 weeks ago) FreeBSD 5.3-beta1
> I can confirm this problem, gaim-0.82.1 and FreeBSD 5.2.1-RELEASE-p8

This happens using only ICQ when sending or receiving Norwegian
characters (æøå/ÆØÅ), and is reproducible every time.

Jakob Breivik Grimstveit,, +47 48298152

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