Is pan2 an orphaned port?

Conrad J. Sabatier conrads at
Thu Jun 24 06:06:09 PDT 2004

On 24-Jun-2004 Pav Lucistnik wrote:
> V èt, 24. 06. 2004 v 14:52, Conrad J. Sabatier pí¹e:
>> Incidentally, has any thought/discussion been given to including a
>> "gnome-devel" line of ports in the collection?
> If you're referring to odd release lines of GNOME itself (like 2.5,
> 2.7 ..) there is a actively maintained set of ports outside of main
> CVS repository. Check

Yes, I've seen that.  I was just curious if there was any possibility
of incorporating the devel ports into the ports collection tree.  No
big thing, really.  :-)

Conrad J. Sabatier <conrads at> -- "In Unix veritas"

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