ports/67970: ports textproc/libxml, textproc/libxslt: bogus dependencies on devel/pkgconfig

Pav Lucistnik pav at oook.cz
Wed Jun 16 06:11:18 PDT 2004

V st, 16. 06. 2004 v 14:58, Oliver Eikemeier píše:

> the .pc file in the base and add libdata/pkgconfig to the mtree files,
> especially since there are more ports that have problems with that.

Adding libdata/pkgconfig to mtree sounds like a good idea. Depends how
broad mtree should be, that depends on portmgr's vision.

> OTOH you seem to selectively ignore the other samples given, which does 
> not
> seem very wise to me either. I can not understand why you have such an
> emotional relation to a plainly wrong dependency.

I talked with you on the subject extensively on IRC yesterday, and
you're firmly rooted in your believes and opinions. No reason to repeat
whole conversation over email again.

Pav Lucistnik <pav at oook.cz>
Co vime o lasce? Laska je jako hruska. Hruska je sladka a ma urcity
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