gDesklets FreeBSD Python problem

Franz Klammer klammer at
Mon Jun 14 08:11:05 GMT 2004

Sander Smid wrote:
> Hi,
> First of all, thank you for the work you've done (and still do) to maintain this port. 
> The reason I mail you is not only to thank you but I do have a problem with this port.
> I installed gdesklets from the port collection on my FreeBSD 5.2.1 notebook. So far without any problems.
> When I try to start gdesklets I get python errors and I have no clue how to solve them.
> I run FreeBSD 5.2.1, XFree86, XFCE. I already updated my whole system buit that didn't work.. I also tried to install the gdesklets-callender port and let that one install gdesklets but that didn't work either.
> This what I get:
> -------------------------------------------------------
> root at laptop [/usr/ports/deskutils/gdesklets] >gdesklets
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/X11R6/bin/gdesklets", line 10, in ?
>     from main import init
>   File "/usr/X11R6/share/gnome/gdesklets/main/", line 37, in ?
>     from utils.i18n import Translator
>   File "/usr/X11R6/share/gnome/gdesklets/utils/", line 1, in ?
>     from FileWatcher import FileWatcher
>   File "/usr/X11R6/share/gnome/gdesklets/utils/", line 3, in ?
>     import gtk
>   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.3/site-packages/gtk-2.0/gtk/", line 43, in ?
>     from _gtk import *
> ImportError: /usr/local/lib/python2.3/site-packages/gtk-2.0/gtk/ Undefined symbol "PyUnicodeUCS2_FromUnicode"
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Do you have any idea what's causing this problem?


====== from (belongs to RH9 but should help here also) ======
Python on RedHat 9 is compiled with 4 byte unicode characters (UCS4), most
other distributions use 2 byte unicode characters (UCS2). So if you install
a rpm compiled on a different system, this error is bound to happen.
Solution: compile the python module from source ...

please try recompile py-gtk2. if this dosn't help please send the list of your
installed ports.


> I'm not a member of this mailinglist so please reply to s.smid (@dddd) chello (d.tttt) nl
> Thanks in advantage,
> Sander

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