Need feedback/review, a big change in AbiWord2 port.

Adam Weinberger adamw at
Tue Jun 8 17:53:19 GMT 2004

>> (06.08.2004 @ 0209 PST): Jeremy Messenger said, in 2.3K: <<
> Hello,
> I have maken a big changes in AbiWord2 port, what I have done:
> 	- Force AbiWord to check/compile everything what apps that are
> 	  installed (headers, libraries, etc) from ports rather than check 
> 	  and
> 	  use the stuff that are included in tarball such as wv, zlib, 
> 	  libpng,
> 	  popt and etc.

How much compile time does this save? Just curious.

> 	- Change the default spell from Enchant to Aspell, because it doesn't
> 	  work at all unless you compile Enchant with the Aspell support. I
> 	  think, it's waste to depend on Enchant by default.
> 	  Also, I have removed the check of Enchant. I prefer to see force
> 	  user to want use Enchant if they know what to do with it. I need 
> 	  the
> 	  help on write the better comment in @${ECHO_CMD} about this.

I disagree strongly with this. I think that Enchant is a great idea.
Enchant isn't being utilized properly ATM, but it has the propensity to
be a great leap forward in i18n spell-checking.

> 	- Add the new WITH_HTML_HELP_BROWSER knob to allow us install the 
> 	Help
> 	  docs. This cover the ports/66623, but I personal still would like 
> 	  to
> 	  see use the DOCSDIR path.
> 	  The vote is still open for if you dislike put Help docs in Makefile
> 	  and rather to create a seperate port, just give a shout.
> 	  Vote:
> 	  ===================================
> 	  mezz   = Makefile
> 	  marcus = seperate port, unless Makefile doesn't turn into mess.
> 	  ===================================

How much space does the installed documentation take up?

# Adam

Adam Weinberger
adamw at || adamw at
adamw at    ||   adamw at

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