www/mozilla-headers will not build

Adam McLaurin adam.mclaurin at gmx.net
Sat Jan 17 22:00:34 PST 2004

On Sun, 18 Jan 2004 00:07:17 -0500
Adam McLaurin <adam.mclaurin at gmx.net> wrote:

> I tried manually doing a 'make extract' in www/mozilla, but it doesn't
> seem to create a work folder there (not sure where it's putting it).
> Anyhow, now that my Mozilla is updated, none of my other browsers will
> work until I get mozilla-headers updated.
> Anyone having the same problem?

Found the problem (well, Marcus did). Somehow a /nonexistent had been
created on my system, which was causing the portupgrade to bomb. 

Now to figure out what caused /nonexistent to get created (with actual
login files, hmm). Strange ..


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