New gtk file selector

Khairil Yusof kaeru at
Sat Jan 17 00:22:53 PST 2004

On Sat, 2004-01-17 at 02:55 -0500, Joe Marcus Clarke wrote:

> I'm waiting for gtk+-2.3.2 before I start getting too worried.

Same here. 

This is what those images should be turning into:

Looks like the left panel, may still only be for favourites. I would
still like to see some sort of tree panel on the left. Right now, by
habit, I'm clicking on the left panel and getting transported far
away :)

The next big surprise for Windows/Nautilus users though would be the new
spatial desktop environment. Feels more like Mac/OS/2/Beos, so I'm
familiar with it, but maybe a lot of users may not be.

"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it

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