New GNOME splash screen

Alexander Leidinger Alexander at
Thu Jan 8 08:24:52 PST 2004

On Thu, 08 Jan 2004 17:11:01 +0100
Franz Klammer <klammer at> wrote:

> oh, yes! i have some ideas i like to implement/do:
> - configuration dialog that stores the config in gconf
> - gnome-session support (change splash on startup for the next session)

Yes please!

> - better random code

/dev/urandom should be random enough

> - bundled with some splash-screens?

I think a separate gnome-splash port would be better.

> about your other question: i didn't have an specific idea what header to use
> on a stable splash - maybe somthing nature-like at the gnome site, or ...?

IMHO this would make it look official... is this something we want?


           I will be available to get hired in April 2004.                       Alexander @
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