RFC: Restructuring GNOME meta-ports

Tom McLaughlin tmclaugh at sdf.lonestar.org
Mon Jan 5 16:51:39 PST 2004

On Mon, 2004-01-05 at 18:43, Joe Marcus Clarke wrote:
> I was thinking maybe we should borrow something from garnome seeing as
> since they've borrowed practically everything from us already ;-) (the
> ports system, that is).  What if we restructured the GNOME meta-ports to
> look something like this:
> Thoughts?
> Joe

This is a great idea Joe.  Is this an attempt to give the FreeBSD gnome
people a "distributor" role as linux distros do while the gnome people
debate what should be included in the gnome core as well as what can be
actively supported by them?  Coming recently from linux to FreeBSD this
is something that I miss with my desktop since many of the apps I've
come to know and use came about based on what was in the gnome start bar
or by word of mouth.  Being a part of the real world now puts a serious
dent in the amount of time I have to scour freshmeat or the ports
collection for that apps I never knew I needed or never knew existed.  I
only discovered rhythmbox a few weeks ago because I was checking out
someone's desktop screenshots for s+g.

How open would the meta-ports be for change?  As new programs arise and
others mature, would requests for removals or additions be considered
based on list reaction and what the maintainers feel appropriate? 


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