Request assistance in finding "Write to CD" context menu item

Joe Marcus Clarke marcus at
Sat Dec 4 11:53:50 PST 2004

On Sat, 2004-12-04 at 11:51 -0800, Sean McNeil wrote:
> On Sat, 2004-12-04 at 14:09 -0500, Joe Marcus Clarke wrote:
> > On Sat, 2004-12-04 at 10:26 -0800, Sean McNeil wrote:
> > > I have looked at the sources of nautilus2 and nautilus-cd-burner and I
> > > just cannot find it.  There are internationalization strings in both and
> > > the burner Changelog mentions context-menu.c but that file doesn't
> > > exist.  nautilus2 also mentions it as being in src/nautilus-shell-ui.xml
> > > but there is nothing in there either.
> > > 
> > > The odd thing is that I can see it in the menu for a split second when I
> > > right-click on an ISO image, so I know it is in there somewhere.  I just
> > > don't know where.  Any pointers to where this code is would be
> > > appreciated.  It is broken on amd64 (at least for me) and I would like
> > > to come up with a patch.
> > 
> > If you mean, "Write to Disc," that code is in nautilus-cd-burner.  All
> > the code is in burn-extension.c.
> > 
> > If there is a "Write to CD" context menu, it might have been installed
> > as part of a different port.
> Thanks Joe,
> Yes it was "Write to Disc".  There are some old messages in there for
> "Write to CD".  I guess they changed it to make more sense with DVDs and
> I didn't pay close enough attention to what I saw in the menu for that
> split second.
> I found the code and this is what I think is wrong:
> When I click on the file it says that the filename indicates it is a
> "raw CD image" but the contents indicate "application/x-arc".  So it is
> a mime-type issue.  The burner code only allows for
> "application/x-iso-image" and "application/x-cd-image".  I can actually
> open it as an archive  via. 'Open with "Archive Manager"' so it would be
> great to keep that functioning.  I guess when I select the item it digs
> into the contents and then changes the mime-type to "application/x-arc"
> where it ends up removing the burn option.
> So now the question is where should I look for mime-type lookup so I can
> determine why it isn't coming out as "application/x-iso-image"?  This
> looks like pretty complicated code and I got stuck tracking it down
> through eel2 where it looks like it was only looking at the uri part
> before the ":".  Must have got lost :(

Most likely, you need to promote the x-iso-image type ahead of the other
type in the MIME database in either /usr/X11R6/share/mime
or /usr/local/share/mime.


> Sean
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