splash checkum

Jeremy Messenger mezz7 at cox.net
Sat Oct 18 08:37:08 PDT 2003

On Sat, 18 Oct 2003 17:16:49 +0200, Randy Bush <randy at psg.com> wrote:

>> #rm -f /usr/ports/distfiles/gnome2/splash.png
>> Then run portupgrade again.
> sorry not to say so.  did that before posting my message.
> and portupgrade tried that hack itself as well.

Check here:
mezz# make distclean
===>  Cleaning for unzip-5.50_2
===>  Cleaning for esound-0.2.32_1
===>  Cleaning for gnomesession-2.4.1
===>  Deleting distfiles for gnomesession-2.4.1

mezz# make patch
>> splash.png doesn't seem to exist in /usr/ports/distfiles/gnome2.
>> Attempting to fetch from http://people.freebsd.org/~marcus/.
Receiving splash.png (59161 bytes): 100%
59161 bytes transferred in 0.7 seconds (83.98 kBps)
===>  Extracting for gnomesession-2.4.1
>> Checksum OK for gnome2/gnome-session-2.4.1.tar.bz2.
>> Checksum OK for gnome2/splash.png.

It works perfect here, so why don't you try this attach of splash.png and 
put it in your /usr/ports/distfiles/gnome2/ to see if it will solve your 

You might need to update your ports tree, because it fetched to marcus's 
web space first, but your didn't.


> randy

bsdforums.org 's moderator, mezz.

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