HEADS UP: please test Flash Plugin Wrapper for Flash6

Franz Klammer klammer at webonaut.com
Mon Oct 6 08:46:44 PDT 2003

Am Mo, den 06.10.2003 schrieb Norikatsu Shigemura um 14:34:
> On Mon, 06 Oct 2003 11:12:09 +0200
> Franz Klammer <klammer at webonaut.com> wrote:
> > the new flashplugin works more or less (more than less :-) 
> > fine for me:
> > mozilla-gtk2, galeon2, mozilla-firebird are ok.
> 	Thanks for your report!

	you're welcome! 

	the new wrapper was exactly what i'm waiting for :-)

> > epiphany dies with a segfault (backtrace attached)
> 	I tested it.  Do you have /usr/local/lib/libflashplayer.so.1?
> 	If you have it, please remove(pkg_delete?) it.  If epiphany
> 	found it, it will set LD_PRELOAD in ${PREFIX}/bin/epiphany.

	thanks, that was it!
	actually i thought i had deinstalled everything
	before i've installed new flashplugin and wrapper...

> > konqueror don't find the plugin and i don't know how to activate it.
> 	I heard where are konqueror and opera's plugins.  Therefore
> 	TODO: I'll make install for konqueror/opara's plugins directory.

	i'm sure this will work too :-)

> > if i try the acrobat reader-wrapper all tested browsers are 
> > hanging while loading the pdf-file. 
> > (tested: galeon, epiphany, mozilla-gtk2)
> > to be able to "use" the acrobat reader plugin i had to 
> > symlink  /usr/local/Acrobat5/Browsers/intellinux/nppdf.so into
> > /urs/X11R6/lib/browser_plugins/
> 	Humm.. I know this behavior causes remaining LD_PRELOAD.
> 	Is there LD_PRELOAD=pluginwrapper.so or libflashplayer.so.1,
> 	anywhere?

	ok! now i's a little bit different:
	if i try to view a pdf-file it prompts the download dialog.
	after enter about:plugins it tries to load the document.
	sometimes it loads the file sometimes not. 
	after loading (or while loading) the browser freezes.
	maybe the ~/,xession-errors output helps you:

Warning: locale not supported by C library, locale unchanged
Warning: Actions not found: addBookmark, viewBookmark, copy,
undefined-key, find, findAgain, history, loadImages, openURL, mailNew,
new, openFile, print, exit, reload, saveAs, paste, delete, cut, undo,
historyItem, back, forward, abort, PageUp, PageDown
Warning: Actions not found: ManagerGadgetNextTabGroup,
ManagerGadgetPrevTabGroup, DrawingAreaInput, addBookmark, viewBookmark,
copy, undefined-key, find, findAgain, history, loadImages, openURL,
mailNew, new, openFile, print, exit, reload, saveAs, paste, delete, cut,
undo, historyItem, back, forward, abort, PageUp, PageDown
Warning: No action proc named "ManagerGadgetArm" is registered for
widget "form"

	this test was done with mozilla-gtk2 (but as far as i can 
	remember this is the same output with other browsers)


mailto:klammer at webonaut.com

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